Character Design Sketches...oh the sexiness!
Oh how time flies when you are having fun....or not having fun....time, it moves forwards no matter what you do, I guess. Enough...

Quantum Suicide's Original Soundtrack
So after a few weeks of working with Voyna, we are proud to announce that Quantum Suicides full soundtrack is complete! and to celebrate,...

Quantum Suicide's Logo
So, after long hard discusions with Nyx, it was clear from my previous attempts to create us a stunning logo in paint, that she was not...

Current Contributors to Quantum Suicide
Here at CCCN, we believe in giving credit where credit is due. Just because we pay for our material, doesn't mean the people behind that...

Introducing VoynA
What do you call a game without a soundtrack? I don't know, I have never 'heard' of one.....hahahhahaha *starts coughing from own...

The struggles of social media.
Ahhh social media, the foriegn three eyed monster that honestly, scares the hell out of me. Before you ask yourself, really? Cherry are...

Introducing Dan
So, as all games inevitably experience, we've had a set back or two in the last few months. First and most notably, one of the artists we...

Spaccccccceship Design
What is a VN set is space without a space ship? Crazy, that’s what! We here at CCCN- are proud to present, The Everett. After a large...

Designing QUANTUM SUICIDE'S logo
So, every game needs a logo. Sounds so much easier than it actually is, especially when you as un-artistic as myself. To Nyx’s absolute...

Re: Our Sexy Background Art
We received our first coloured background art today and were stunned at how perfect it is. MoltenCherry's reaction was essentially: "Oh...